Dragonfly Spirit Healing
Grief & Healing Connections honors the Dragonfly Spirit, recognizing that transitions are both challenging and transforming. Healing sessions are offered to assist you in your journey to promote balance of mind, body & soul, to connect you to your healing. Dragonfly Spirit Healing Sessions combine energy healings, meditation and supportive counseling to promote wellness for mind, body and soul.
Dragonfly Spirit Healing Session: Reiki, Melchizedek Healing, Angel Healing, Supportive Grief Counseling
Dragonfly Healing Meditation. Sessions will begin with a Dragonfly Healing Meditation that incorporates the healing energies of Reiki, Melchizedek Method and Angel Healing. This meditation is not only relaxing, but it serves to connect you with the healing within you, your inner dragonfly that is resilient and capable of transformation.
Dragonfly Spirit Healing supportive counseling. Supportive counseling serves to assist you as you explore your grief and healing journey. Without judgement, you will be guided to explore various aspect of your experience and goals. Counseling includes guiding you to:
Identify your losses. Oftentimes, we are not fully aware of all the complexities and layers of our loss. Each loss includes multiple losses. Understanding more about grief & loss assists us in our healing.
Recognize obstacles to healing. Understanding the complications involved in healing and our conditioned responses to situations is beneficial in healing.
Exploring beliefs. What do you believe about yourself, life, death and beyond death? Exploring what you believe and what you have been told to believe is helpful for understanding yourself and others.
Awareness of your own resiliency. Sharing your story, you will discover that you are resilient.
Identify your goals. What do you want in your life?
Strategies that are appropriate for you. The healing journey is personal and unique for each of us. Discussing your needs will assist you in managing your grief and healing journey.
One hour sessions are $75. Contact Karen for more information and scheduling. griefhealingconnections@gmail.com
Grief Counseling or Reiki only: Not interested in energy healing? Prefer only a grief counseling session without energy healing? Prefer only a Reiki session? Contact Karen for either a grief counseling session or a Reiki session, $75 per hour.