Happy 2025!

May this year be one of good health, happiness and spiritual inspiration.
The beginning of a new year is a time of reflection. It is a good time to remind ourselves that our self-care practices are necessary. Self-care includes taking time to grieve, to heal, to explore our spirituality, to spend time in quiet reflection. By practicing self-care, we become more grounded, centered and prepared to manage life’s challenges.


The new year is here! It is a reminder to us to review and reflect on year past and the year ahead. The New Year reminds us of changes.

As we enter the new year, we also bring with us our challenges, our losses, our joys, our hopes. It is a good time to take a personal inventory. Spend time in quiet reflection. You may want to consider the following: How are things going? What challenges are you facing? What are you enjoying? It is also time to review the improvements that you would like to accomplish. This is time to reflect on your strengths, hopes, goals and possible changes/actions. What would you like to heal?

With Grief & Healing Connections, counseling for guidance as you journey through grief, grief education and support is available for you through times of transition and change. Energy healing is also available to help you release stress, relax and renew your energy. Sessions of angel card readings and meditation provide guidance and time for connecting to your inner healing.

ZOOM!!! Yes, Zoom is very effective for counseling and energy healing. All sessions are conducted with your privacy respected and protected. There is greater flexibility with appointment setting and parking is never a concern! From the comfort of your home, you are able to receive energy healing as effectively as you would in person. There is no need for close proximity for energy healing to be effective. Energy healing sessions include guided & quiet meditation as energy is transmission.

Transitions: As a society, we have had many transitions. As individuals, we experience transitions throughout our lives. All changes cause a transition in our lives. Honoring the Dragonfly Spirit, we recognize that transitions are both challenging and transforming. When we face our challenges and work on our healing, we become empowered. In honoring the Dragonfly Spirit, we recognize that transitions can lead to beautiful transformations.

Contact Karen for more information about scheduling a session at griefhealingconnections@gmail.com


In person appointments available for grief counseling and private Dragonfly Spirit Healing sessions on Fridays at Dragonfly Wellness Center in Devens, MA. In-person appointments are also available at Moon River Wellness, Pelham, NH.

Zoom appointments are available. Scheduling for Zoom is convenient & flexible.

Contact Karen at griefhealingconnections@gmail to schedule an in-person or Zoom session.

Scheduled Events for Self-Care for 2025:

Dragonfly Spirit Healing Circle

1st Wednesday of each month, 6:30 pm, True North Wellness, Essex MA. 2nd Friday of each month, 7:30, at Dragonfly Wellness Center

RENEWAL Meditation

4th Friday of each month, 7:30, at Dragonfly Wellness Center.

TBD True North Wellness of Essex, MA

Check out our friends at:

https://www.dragonflywellnesscenter.net/ of Devens, MA

https://www.truenorthhypnosis.com/ of Essex, MA

Contact Karen for more information about scheduling a session at griefhealingconnections@gmail.com